viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

La perspectiva americana de las reducciones de CO2 europeas

Frente al discurso europeo, es recomendable de vez en cuando ver qué piensan otros países de nuestra política climática. Esto es lo que opinan los de RFF. Me ha parecido llamativo este párrafo:

The EU is often seen as relatively weak in international climate negotiations because its targets are aimed too high to carry any weight at the negotiating table. Its generous commitments have not really helped Europe to become a leader at the last several COPs, so there is no reason to believe a positive vote would greatly change circumstances. Also, a final agreement on targets in Durban is unlikely, placing even less importance on raising targets to increase influence in COP17.

Vamos, que más que liderar, lo que hace la posición europea según ellos es generar rechazo. Interesante...

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