sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008

Pedagogía ignaciana

No soy un experto en el tema, pero al menos mi experiencia de la pedagogía ignaciana es el fomento de la sana competencia entre los alumnos, incluyendo incentivos tales como la lectura pública de notas y demás. Este método docente tiene más de 500 años de existencia, y parte del mérito que se le atribuye es lo que ha durado.
Bueno, pues parece que la evidencia muestra que no es por ahí por donde hay que ir...Un reciente estudio ofrece las siguientes conclusiones:
According to the studies, adolescents in classrooms that supported cooperative learning -- studying together to complete a project or prepare for an exam -- got along better with their peers, were more accurate on academic tests and achieved higher scores on problem-solving, reasoning and critical thinking tasks compared to adolescents who were in classrooms geared toward competitive learning -- studying alone knowing that success would mean only one winner and plenty of losers.
Students who were in classrooms that focused on reaching goals in a competitive fashion, such as obstructing others' efforts, hiding resources and information and acting distrustful, had less social interaction, poorer friendships and lower achievement scores, according to the review. No differences were found between students who were in either competitive or individualistic environments on achievement measures or peer relationships.

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