jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2024

Una evaluación de las políticas climáticas de las últimas décadas

Un ejercicio de PIK que, aunque con algunos problemas, subraya el papel de los "policy mixes" para avanzar contra el cambio climático.

Meeting the Paris Agreement’s climate targets necessitates better knowledge about which climate policies work in reducing emissions at the necessary scale. We provide a global, systematic ex post evaluation to identify policy combinations that have led to large emission reductions out of 1500 climate policies implemented between 1998 and 2022 across 41 countries from six continents. Our approach integrates a comprehensive climate policy database with a machine learning–based extension of the common difference-in-differences approach. We identified 63 successful policy interventions with total emission reductions between 0.6 billion and 1.8 billion metric tonnes CO2. Our insights on effective but rarely studied policy combinations highlight the important role of price-based instruments in well-designed policy mixes and the policy efforts necessary for closing the emissions gap.
Más conclusiones: hacen falta políticas específicas para cada sector; las políticas de precios juegan un papel importante, pero dependiendo del sector y del país; y por último, que hace falta mucho más si realmente queremos cumplir los objetivos de París.

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