viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Visualización de datos de la IEA

La IEA moderniza la forma de visualizar sus datos y facilita su uso:

How will the overall energy system evolve from now to 2050?
For the first time, the IEA releases interactive data and figures to highlight potential scenarios
This three-part interactive visualisation relies on the data and figures behind Energy Technology Perspectives 2012, the IEA’s flagship publication on energy technologies.

The infographics illustrate how the overall energy system will evolve from now to 2050.

-    The Emissions Reduction visualisation allows you to quickly and easily see what impact countries, technologies and sectors may have on carbon dioxide emissions in the decades to come.

-    The Energy Flows visualisation focuses on the transport, industry and buildings sectors, highlighting the different fuels (from oil to biofuels), sectors (from petrochemicals to residential) and end uses (from water heating to lighting) that will be affected in the years ahead.

-    The transport visualisation lets you compare selected indicators – from annual roadway travel to roadway length – across countries and regions.

All three visualisations use the latest data from ETP 2012.

Gracias a Gonzalo por la pista.

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