miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024

Nuevo Observatorio de Política Industrial

 Una iniciativa muy bienvenida: en esto, como en muchas otras cosas, comparar lo que funciona y lo que no es fundamental. Lo único malo es que es de pago.

The NIPO records state measures announced or implemented since the beginning of 2023 and goes beyond the GTA database in seven important respects:
a distinction is made between (strategic) plans a state may have, the policies or regulations that that state enacts (perhaps to execute a strategic plan) and the firm-specific interventions (such as FDI authorization decisions or subsidy awards) that follow from the implementation of a policy or regulation,
the stated motive of a government is recorded and tagged based on official sources,
interventions are associated with pre-specified groups of products in strategic sectors: medical, semiconductors, critical minerals, military/civilian dual-use, low carbon technology, other advanced technology and IT or digital services,
the range of policy interventions tracked is expanded to include several technology-related interventions,
specific identification of horizontal measures i.e. measures that can affect lots of sectors but could still involve favouritism.
for corporate subsidy awards, information on the subsidy value in USD million (when available),
total value of goods trade covered by a state measure in USD million (when available).

2 comentarios:

Alvaro Lopez-Peña dijo...

Super relevante. Por si no lo has visto, merece la pena el reciente artículo de The Economsist "How to get rich in the 21st century. The race to become the next economic superpower"

Pedro Linares dijo...

Gracias Álvaro!