lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022

La opinión del FMI sobre la transición energética española

 En la buena dirección, pero hacen falta políticas concretas. En especial, un precio para el CO2 (algo muy oportuno estos días en que se publicará el informe de la comisión de reforma fiscal).

Significant effort will be needed to reach Spain’s new more ambitious climate mitigation objectives, as reflected in the authorities’ plans. Spain’s Law on Climate Change and the Energy Transition establishes the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, together with an intermediate requirement to reduce emissions by 23 percent relative to 1990 levels by 2030 (about a one third reduction compared to 2018 levels). Carbon price coverage in Spain is comprehensive, but the effective tax rates are low relative to estimates of emission damages, and also tend to be lower than in other euro area economies. Carbon price increases should be gradual, predictable, and complemented with distributive policies to protect vulnerable households. Complementary policies will be essential to address sector- specific obstacles to reducing emissions. Across all sectors, public investment and financial support will be vital where market failures constrain private investment. The authorities’ plans to leverage the NGEU funds to support green investments, prioritizing clean energy, sustainable mobility and building efficiency renovations, are welcome.

Vale la pena leerlo entero, muy interesantes las comparativas con otros países y sus propuestas.

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